Keyshla Babilonia Miranda
I would highly recommend Graduates Students to pursue ANY other Graduate Pharmacy Program that is not PBA. I personally studied for various years as a latina here and this was the worst experience in my life. PBA made a huge mistake in my refund amount of loans/financial aid. I had many issued and the school wanted to charge me $9,454 dollars that I did not owe to the school unfairly because the lenders of graduate loans are the department of education and not PBA and no student should be pressued to pay any amount of loan legally till they finish their education as a pharmacist and find a job but PBA wanted to charge me this amount and told me to as a Graduate student the option was to add 2 courses of bachelors degree (that have nothing to do with my Graduate Pharmacy Program) to make more money out of me promising me that i wouldnt owe them anything of the supposely amount I owed them (which was really owed in case to the Department of education not them) and yet they charged me the $9,454 plus the two bachelor classes unfairly. After this they broke the agreement and told me i would owe them the $9,454 dollars plus the two classes. They told me they wouldnt release my transcripts to other Pharmacy schools and destroyed my future. This is not a school that represents Christ in my opinion at all. I feel is about the money. After this I could clearly see their main goal is to retain students, held them back to make money, this is why they have a decrease in number of pharmacy student applications. Ask them yourself, they dont have not even one class in PBA history that has graduated on time because they are either held back or put on a modified track which lowers your loan amount and they do not offer in campus stay for graduates or care or help students to go to school without having to work while trying to pursue a Doctorate degree. This led me to withdraw and at the verge of commiting suicide because of the pressure they put in such unfair situations. Every experience I had in PBA changed my life in such a horrible way. I honestly wish that if your a student wanting to succeed in life or Graduate Program in whatever field it is that you analyze and really put your infestment and money into a school that really cares ahout the students and is not a monopoly of making money or retaining students. There are many amazing Graduate programs offered that help students finish their degrees.Ask them yourself dont take my word for it about the number of students they received in their past years classes versus the number of students that have actually Graduated on time without them being held back a year or put on a modified track and you will see the difference versus other Graduate programs! Also ask them about how loan amounts are reduced and their policies so you can see how this can affect your future because not having enough money to pay for school doctorate tuiton and your housing expenses obligates you to work and even the professors recommend you not to work while doing a Graduate program because the level of exhuastion is too insane mentally, physically and emotionally. Others school give enough amount of loans for you to be able to not only pay for tuiton but pay for housing,rent, health insurance, car insurance, gas, groceries, books, reviews etc! This is very important. I would encourage you as an upcoming prospective student to analyze if you want to do a Doctorate while having to work? Other schools also do not require Chapel hours, CE credits, Workship hours that take away too much extra time of study or distress like PBA does adding more stress, anxiety. Last but not least yes PBA has a history of passing Naplex scores and many students are amazing but on the other hand it is also because they havent had one graduate class that has Graduated on time in PBA history because they get held back or have to repeat courses and of course the students are going to score higher if they have them repeating years of Pharmacy school classes and held them back. Compre and invest in better school.